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Saturday, October 15, 2005 

Some things work, some don't

I've realized that one can read all she wants about sex during pregnancy and how, even in the third trimester, a couple can have a healthy and active intimate relationship without harming the fetus. The baby is, after all, encased in a sac of fluid that is meant to act as a natural buffer against whatever trauma is inflicted upon the mother.

But how do we actually go about getting the job done? Our parts don't exactly fit together like they used to. It's as though we are two pieces of a puzzle, one of which got soaked with water and is now a bloated, misshapen version of its former self. You can see how they're supposed to come together but it just doesn't fit right anymore.

So yeah, things didn't go as planned last night. That doesn't mean we won't stop trying, but we are definitely setting ourselves up for a challenge. A little imagination would come in handy right about now.

To add insult to injury, I didn't sleep well at all. I just could not get comfortable again. My hips were killing me. My carpal tunnel flared up to the point that I woke up wondering whether my digits had totally abandoned me and my lower back was aching from continuously shifting my weight from one side to the other. I keep telling myself that this will all be over in a few weeks and that some of these physical changes are my body's way of saying "get ready." But still, it sucks. It sucks big time.

About 4:30 am I went out into the living room to watch some TV. Did you know there are an appalling amount of infomercials on when people are sleeping? How do they expect to sell anything when most of America isn't even watching? It's not as though folks are programming their TiVos to tape the latest Magic Bullet infomercial which, by the way, you can now purchase at Target for much less than what those perky sheisters on the tube were originally selling it for.

I finally settled on Animal Planet and an episode of "Animal Cops." Halfway through the show I had to get up to retrieve Molly, who was sleeping comfortably on the couch downstairs before I roused her. I have to have her near when I watch one of these shows. They almost always profile an abandoned dog that looks just like her.

After sharing some of Nathan's cashews, Molly and I fell asleep for a bit. I wasn't much more comfortable than I was in the bed so I went back in to snuggle with Nathan. By that time the sun was up and he was semi-awake. As we lay there, I looked into the mirror on the wall and said, "We really need to dust off our ceiling fan blades."

Nesting. Another oh-so-romantic side effect of pregnancy.

The rest of the day has been thankfully uneventful. I spent a few hours with Grandma S. while my mom was at Maedy's daughter-in-law's baby shower. We spent our time at Costco, an idea Mom had because Grandma absolutely loves their hand-dipped ice cream bars. "Did you tell Grandma I don't appreciate being told I don't look pregnant?" I asked my mom yesterday when we were making plans for today.

"Yes," she said, "I told her 'Heather doesn't like it when you say that.'"

"Well tell her that if she does say it again I won't take her to Costco for the ice cream," I said joking (but really not).

Apparently the threat worked. Grandma got her ice cream.

About me

  • I'm Heather
  • From Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
  • I'm a Michigan woman hoping to discover the secret to fitting 36 hours into a 24-hour day. Work, family, life, laundry blogging. Who has time for it all?
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