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Wednesday, September 28, 2005 


So Nathan and I have an appointment to meet with a pediatrician tonight. Since the appointment is at 5:30 pm, we have to meet at the office since we both don't get out of work until 5:00. In spite of my best efforts to give him directions to the office, Nathan just wasn't able to visualize where he had to go. And he always likes to know exactly where he has to go.

"Ok, let's say we just left the Chinese buffet by Family Fare and we're at the light on the corner heading home," I say. "Instead of going straight towards home, we turn left onto Port Sheldon."

"Towards Wendy's," he says.

"No, Wendy's is to the right. You want to turn left."

"Towards Grand Valley," he says.

"No,"I sigh. "Let's try this again. You're on Port Sheldon and 28th ave heading North. You need to turn left at the light."

"Heading towards Wendy's, " he says again.

"Nooooo!" I wail. "Wendy's is to the right. You need to go the other way, the opposite way of Wendy's and Family Fare."

He's overthinking this or not thinking about it enough so I try another approach. "Do you remember where we used to take the cats to the vet?" I ask.


"Ok. You go that way, past the vet's office about a mile west of the light."

"Is it by where Uncle Dale used to live next to the Mobil station?" he asks.

"No, not that far. There's a sign out front. You can't miss it. It's on the left side of the street"

Finally I think he gets it and we part ways for the day. On my way to work I decide to dial him up on his cell.

"Is it past the four-way stop?" he asks.

"No, not that far. It's only about a mile past the light on Port Sheldon and 28th."

"And there's a sign?"

"Yes, there's a sign."

He's so funny. I just love him.

About me

  • I'm Heather
  • From Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
  • I'm a Michigan woman hoping to discover the secret to fitting 36 hours into a 24-hour day. Work, family, life, laundry blogging. Who has time for it all?
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