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Wednesday, October 05, 2005 

What I got and what I want

I had to post a picture of one of the nicest gifts we received, this one from my mom's former neighbor Lori (pictured in the previous post sitting next to new grandma Maedy).

Lori sewed this quilted blanket from fabric scraps. She's a sewing genius who can make just about anything. This blanket was a special treat because the flowered scraps of fabric came from the fabric I chose for Lori to make my bridesmaids dresses out of when Nathan and I were married eight years ago. Being hormonal anyway, I just about broke down in tears when I pulled this out of the bag because I recognized the pattern right away. I know the fabric wasn't that popular with a couple of my bridesmaids (who shall remain nameless), but I loved it and can't believe Lori kept that fabric all these years.

I passed the blanket around the room, and when it got to my mom she said, "Isn't this the fabric from my living room curtains?" She was referring to the pink and white checked fabric. Sure enough, Lori had saved some of Mom's fabric scraps as well. Too cool.

Most everything from the showers is put away and washed. I spent a great deal of my weekend doing laundry. I guess I should get used to it. Speaking of laundry, Nathan and I went to Costco on Saturday to pick up a few items, one of which was Dreft. "Don't freak out," I said, "but this stuff is a little expensive, but not as expensive as it would be if we were to buy the same amount at Target or Meijer." I just thought it wise to prepare him. We'd never spent nearly $20 on detergent before. That's what we would normally spend on a DVD or X-Box game.

I'd say we're pretty well stocked up now. There are a couple of things from our registry that we didn't get that we still need and one thing in particular that I probably don't need so much as desperately want. I was pretty sure we weren't going to get this seeing as it's a bit pricey for an infant swing, so I'm trying to talk Nathan into buying it as the girl's first Christmas gift. He scoffed at the price and thought we could find something cheaper. "But it's so cool," I said. "It plays music and nature sounds!" We received the matching papasan bouncy chair and both items would match Molly's living room pillow rather nicely.

About me

  • I'm Heather
  • From Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
  • I'm a Michigan woman hoping to discover the secret to fitting 36 hours into a 24-hour day. Work, family, life, laundry blogging. Who has time for it all?
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