More bars in more places
Ah, the power of advertising...
As soon as these folks lined up for the picture I said, "Hey, you look like a Cingular commercial." I like those commercials. They're like a grown up version of Where's Waldo? No matter how many times you've seen one, you're convinced you missed something the last time you saw it. For Nathan and me, it's like a game show. "Oh the cabs! The dogs! The sushi! The window!" If you don't know what I'm talking about, Cingular has their little "raising the bar" logo hidden in everyday things in all their commercials. Tractors clearing a field, row houses in San Francisco, a family on the beach, glasses on a bar...
Anyway, that's Nathan, his brothers and their parents. From left to right is Roman, Dirk, Nathan, Darwin and Pam. I really have to hand it to my mother-in-law for keeping it together all those years because I've heard some horror stories that would make any parent cringe. Apple pie stains on the ceiling and using gasoline and a lighter to take paint off a bicycle are just two of the more prominent tales of the Noah boys' childhood. Thank God I have a girl.
Of course Dirk had to point out that his daughter was part of the gang of junior thugs out in the yard molesting a garden snake, so I may not be as safe as I think.
As soon as these folks lined up for the picture I said, "Hey, you look like a Cingular commercial." I like those commercials. They're like a grown up version of Where's Waldo? No matter how many times you've seen one, you're convinced you missed something the last time you saw it. For Nathan and me, it's like a game show. "Oh the cabs! The dogs! The sushi! The window!" If you don't know what I'm talking about, Cingular has their little "raising the bar" logo hidden in everyday things in all their commercials. Tractors clearing a field, row houses in San Francisco, a family on the beach, glasses on a bar...
Anyway, that's Nathan, his brothers and their parents. From left to right is Roman, Dirk, Nathan, Darwin and Pam. I really have to hand it to my mother-in-law for keeping it together all those years because I've heard some horror stories that would make any parent cringe. Apple pie stains on the ceiling and using gasoline and a lighter to take paint off a bicycle are just two of the more prominent tales of the Noah boys' childhood. Thank God I have a girl.
Of course Dirk had to point out that his daughter was part of the gang of junior thugs out in the yard molesting a garden snake, so I may not be as safe as I think.
wow they all look alike! i didnt know that about those commercials.. now im going to be more addicted to tv than i was thanks! my fiance has 2 brothers and you want to hear horror stories? lol one of them farted in a jar and closed it up.. and gave it to my fiance to smell... that same brother also peed in a cup and told his sis it was juice... yeah she drank it... and great ive got a son.. hes gonna be just as cooky too i can tell lol!
Posted by crazynewmama | 6/21/2006 08:45:00 PM